IDegree Program

IDegree Program

Better Career,
Better Life

Affordable Excellence

Outstanding Faculty

50+ Worldwide Partnerships


1st SemesterRequired Credits: 19

Credit Hours

Understand how Moral Responsibility & Social Responsibility in the form of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)-based management is key to an organization's sustainable growth strategy. In this course, students will learn of some of the major ethical approaches to decision-making, such as utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. These approaches will then be drawn upon to understand some of the issues raised by CSR.

Credit Hours

This course examines what it means to be a global citizen through diversity and global civic learning and will think about what it means to navigate cultural differences in a globalized world. Drawing from a range of topics, students will learn about the forces and events that have shaped our world and will critically assess our contemporary situation.

Credit Hours

Understand the analysis and procedures of experience for UX design. Learn how to use tools to develop and implement good design.

Credit Hours

Understand various self-management skills and problem-solving techniques and learn about teamwork-based work operation, planning, and collaboration based on mutual understanding between colleagues.

Credit Hours

Understand the core skills (language, behavior, etc.) that are the basis of mutual communication, learn communicative interpersonal skills through practical examples and skill building activities. Topics in this course will include but are not limited to; selfpresentation skills, various forms of communication to large audiences, website design, business writing and presentations.

Credit Hours

Study Linear Algebra, which is the core of the future databased software technology.

Credit Hours

This introductory chemistry course is designed to provide a comprehensive foundation in the fundamental principles of modern chemistry.

Credit Hours

Exploration of world literature, covering diverse cultures, themes, and literary styles from ancient times to the present day. Through analysis, discussion, and writing assignments, students will develop critical thinking skills and cultural understanding. The course concludes with a personalized literary analysis, allowing students to delve deeper into a text of their choice.

Credit Hours

Calculus presents powerful problem-solving methods not only in natural sciences such as mathematics, physics, engineering, and medicine, but also in social sciences such as economics.
As it presents more efficient methods and enables more in-depth handling of difficult application problems, the application field is becoming more and more extensive as science develops. This course covers the basic heories, concepts, and application methods of calculus.

Credit Hours

Offers a comprehensive exploration of personal development, covering aspects like goal-setting, self-discovery, resilience, and well-being.

2nd SemesterRequired Credits: 19

Credit Hours

Understand the importance of the environment to future value, analyze characteristics and cases of various social enterprises based on corporate responsibility for the environment, and understand basic technology related to the environment.

Credit Hours

This course examines the importance of work-life balance and teaches students how to manage stress and maintain a healthy mindset. Since a healthy balance management and operational strategy for work-life balance is necessary, learn about whether individuals manage stress and maintain positive mindset.

Credit Hours

The significance in UI/UX highly rises in the days. Groupware-based online communication becomes universal, and the creation of necessary tools using simple apps by individuals is one the fore as well. Understand and practice UI/UX design strategies using various open-source UI/UX design tools, reflecting the rising importance of these communication strategies.

Credit Hours

Learn to write argumentative essays through the development of critical reading skills.
Read various materials critically and use appropriate reference materials to describe and convey their opinions convincingly. Cultivate the matters to learn how to think and write important matters collectively, clearly and concisely in a logical way.

Credit Hours

Study the basics of Statistics and apply this knowledge using software packages.
Statistics is the key in AI and data-based software society, so the capability to apply Statistics based on actual problems through various software tools such as the statistical functions of Excel will be crucial.

Credit Hours

Design, analyze, and alleviate problems by seeking creative solutions using design process thinking. Through the analysis of certain situations, learn the entire process on seeking creative solutions along with the experience of defining and alleviating the problems.

Credit Hours

Provide a comprehensive foundation in the fundamental principles of modern biology. Through a combination of theoretical concepts and practical applications, students will delve into the intricate workings of life at various levels of organization, from the molecular to the ecological.

Credit Hours

This course provides students with a comprehensive exploration of the principles and techniques of effective writing. While the course's primary focus is on honing writing skills, it also incorporates elements of critical reading, fostering a deeper understanding of written texts. Through a variety of writing assignments, peer workshops, and guided reading activities, students will develop the ability to express their thoughts clearly and persuasively, making them proficient communicators in both academic and professional contexts.

Credit Hours

This course examines the practice of improving work life by combining studies of human behavior with that of organizations. The practical applications include investigating how to make organizations and people therein more effective, creating productive relationships between people and organizations, and maintaining effective organizational practices.

Credit Hours

Shifts the focus to cultural influences on personal development, delving into topics like cultural identity, diversity, inclusion, and the impact of societal norms on shaping individual lives.

3rd SemesterRequired Credits: 19

Credit Hours

This course introduces the students about the different visualization techniques such as charts, interactive dashboard, story for creating meaningful displays of quantitative and qualitative data to facilitate managerial decision-making. To serve that purpose, this course offers students with a formal foundation in data visualization in addition to hands-on experiences using Excel spreadsheets, Tableau software package, and Python programming

Credit Hours

Introduction to coding with Python

Credit Hours

Practice and master the algorithms necessary for understanding software structure and software creation through various tools.

Credit Hours

Learn to use Excel and PPT-related technologies for analysis, presentation, and discussion.

Credit Hours

Secure a high level of research-logical thinking-persuasive expression that can be implemented to the entire progress of analyzing external problems and find solutions, facilitating the consulting process. And proceed to the same process as that of actual consultants.

Credit Hours

Operate the project according to the actual process

Credit Hours

Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole, focusing on aggregate measures such as national income, unemployment, inflation, and economic growth. This course provides introduction to macroeconomic theory, principles, and policy analysis. Topics include gross domestic product (GDP), aggregate demand and policy, international trade, and exchange rates.

Credit Hours

This introductory physics course is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in algebra-based physics. Through both theoretical concepts in lecture and recitations, and practical experiences through laboratory investigations, students will engage with the content to develop a deep understanding of physics principles.

Credit Hours

Understanding world history is crucial in comprehending the complexities of human societies, their interactions, and the development of civilizations over time. This comprehensive course offers a deep dive into pivotal historical events, diverse cultures, and the transformative shifts in societal dynamics that have left indelible imprints on the global stage. Through an immersive exploration of various historical theories and case studies, students will go on a journey through time, unraveling the threads of human history to discern patterns, connections, and causations.

Credit Hours

4th Semester Option 1 - Business and Social ScienceRequired Credits: 19

Credit Hours

This course is designed to help the students build an understanding of the economics of the marketplace. In particular, the course focuses on microeconomic principles that demonstrate the role and limitations of both competitive and imperfectly competitive markets in motivating socially efficient consumer, business, and public sector choices.

Credit Hours

This course introduces students to financial statements and takes a practical approach to the accounting cycle. Students will learn various aspects of journal entry such as creating and posting entries, adjusting, and closing entries. In addition, students will also learn how to create an income statement and balance sheet from journal entries. Students will be introduced to auditing and will learn about ethical issues in accounting.

Credit Hours

This course provides from the management point of view, marketing as a system for the satisfaction of human wants and a catalyst of business activity. It examines different perspectives from producer to consumer and emphasizes the planning required for the efficient use of marketing tools in the development and expansion of markets. It concentrates on the principles, functions, and tools of marketing, including quantitative methods.

Credit Hours

This course deals with the essence of what managers do: planning, organizing, controlling, and leading. Students will learn fundamental concepts, current trends and required skills over a broad range of topics such as motivating people, teamwork, human resource practices, self- management, communication, and leadership. Students will also gain a basic appreciation for strategic planning, the importance of external and internal environments for management, control systems and how managers make decisions.

Credit Hours

To provide information about the company to external users through financial statements. This lecture is divided into accounting principles, intermediate accounting, and advanced accounting depending on the level of difficulty and scope. It is halfway between accounting principles and intermediate accounting. Therefore, instead of focusing on the process of recording accounting transactions and preparing financial statements from the standpoint of financial statement preparers, this lecture focuses on the use of financial statement information from the standpoint of users of financial statements.

Credit Hours

Introducing topics for fundamental base of finance such as risk and return, time value of money, bond and stock valuation. It also includes providing both a theoretical and a practical perspective on corporate finance. Students learn main functions of financial management, financial statement analysis, investment decision-making (i.e., capital budgeting, cost of capital, capital structure).

Credit Hours

4th Semester Option 2 – Software & ITRequired Credits: 19

Credit Hours

An academic foundation for students majoring in computer related studies or engineering to broaden their basic understanding and intuitively understand how it is applied in real problems. Discrete mathematics is a combination of the concept of discrete and mathematics. Discrete mathematics thus deals with the world of logic, propositions, sets and digital numbers, proofs, relationships, functions, graphs, trees, permutations, discrete probabilities, recursive, matrix and matrix equations, Boolean algebra, automata, and formal language.

Credit Hours

Processing the input data and outputting the result. The core of programming is to effectively express and process the data in question on the program. For more efficient program writing, we study various data representation forms such as array, stack, queue, connection list, tree, graph, and analyze the concepts, characteristics, and pros and cons of sorting and search algorithms to learn efficient data processing methods based on C language. We learn various computational algorithms, analyze and evaluate algorithms in terms of computational complexity.

Credit Hours

A database is a collection of information that is integrated and managed for the purpose of being shared and used by multiple people. This course will provide an introductory look at database concepts, emphasizing the relational database model. Subject covered are the following: data models, query languages, transactions, parallel data processing, and database as a service.

Credit Hours

This course deals with applications of Python programming language to business problems. Topics include how to get started with Python, numbers and strings, loops, functions, lists, data files, summarizing and visualizing data, and big data applications.

Credit Hours

Introduces advanced programming skills using Python and focuses on the core concepts and design of object-oriented programming, which are essential components for organizing and integrating large-scale software architectures. This course focuses on understanding and practical mastery of object-oriented concepts such as classes, objects, data abstraction, methods, method overloading, inheritance, and polymorphism. Review the actual applications in the data science area found in stacks, queues, lists, and trees.

Credit Hours

This course introduces several fundamental concepts and methods for machine learning. The objective is to familiarize students with some basic machine learning algorithms/techniques and their applications. The course also covers general principles and approaches related to analyzing and handling big data sets.

Credit Hours

4th Semester Option 3 – Liberal Arts & SciencesRequired Credits: 19

Summer or Winter Session - OptionalPre-requisite core courses for specialization

Credit Hours

An introduction to the area of Management Science (MS), a scientific approach to solving managerial problems. The course will cover fundamental MS tools and principles such as Linear Programming, Transportation & Network Problems, Integer Programming, Waiting Time Model, and Decision Theory, which are critical to measuring business issues objectively. Emphasis will be given to the quantitative analysis of problems arising in the management both, at the local and enterprise level.

Credit Hours

A comprehensive understanding of digital electronics and its applications. This course covers the principles and techniques involved in the design and analysis of digital electronic circuits. Students will learn about digital logic gates, Boolean algebra, sequential circuits, memory systems, and microprocessors. Through hands-on projects and practical exercises, students will gain the necessary skills to design, implement, and troubleshoot digital electronic systems.

Credit Hours

A comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of digital systems. The course covers the basic principles and concepts of digital logic design, including combinational and sequential circuits, Boolean algebra, logic gates, and digital system modeling. Students will gain hands-on experience with designing, analyzing, and simulating digital circuits using industry-standard software tools. The course also introduces students to the practical applications of digital systems in various fields, such as computer architecture, telecommunications, and embedded systems.

Credit Hours

A comprehensive introduction to the principles, concepts, and technologies underlying computer networks. It is designed to equip students with a solid foundation in network fundamentals, enabling them to understand the key components, protocols, and architectures that form the backbone of modern communication systems. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical exercises, students will gain the necessary skills to design, configure, troubleshoot, and secure computer networks.

Credit Hours

An introduction to programming using the C programming language. Students will learn the fundamental concepts and principles of programming and gain hands-on experience in solving problems and implementing algorithms using C. The course will cover topics such as data types, control structures, functions, arrays, pointers, and basic file handling. Through a combination of lectures, coding exercises, and projects, students will develop a strong foundation in C programming and problem-solving skills.

Credit Hours

The course provides a comprehensive introduction to the concepts, principles, and practices of object-oriented programming using the Java programming language. The course focuses on developing a strong foundation in objectoriented programming techniques, including encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical exercises, students will gain hands-on experience in designing, implementing, and testing Java programs.

Credit Hours

Start-up preparation process in the era of digital transformation.

Credit Hours


Credit Hours

This class serves as an introductory exploration into the field of operating system design and execution. The examination of operating systems is motivated by their status as sophisticated and refined solutions to a challenging design issue: how to share system resources securely and efficiently while supplying useful abstractions for applications. The course delves into the allocation of resources for the processor, memory, and disks within the operating system, exploring both the design and implementation of associated abstractions. Techniques for evaluating and enhancing system performance are established, along with the introduction of the concept of hardware virtualization. Practical experience is gained through programming assignments, allowing students to implement essential components of an operating system in a realistic development environment. A detailed analysis is conducted on the design and implementation of a UNIX-like operating system. The curriculum encompasses a range of general operating systems concepts, including processes, threads, memory, virtual memory, device drivers, filesystems, scheduling, concurrency, security, and virtualization.

Credit Hours

The course aims to instruct students in the fundamental techniques of Compiler Construction, introducing both the theory and tools commonly employed for syntax-directed translation of high-level programming languages into executable code. These techniques extend beyond compiler construction and find applications in broader contexts, facilitating syntax-directed analysis of symbolic expressions and languages with translation into lower-level descriptions. The covered topics include languages, Deterministic (DFA) and Nondeterministic Finite Automata(NFA), Regular Expressions, Context-Free Grammars (CFG), Context-Free Languages (CFL), Parse Trees, Derivations, Ambiguity, Pushdown Automata (PDA), and its equivalence with CFGs. These techniques hold diverse applications in man-machine interaction, encompassing verification and program analysis.

Credit Hours

Principles of software engineering, encompassing requirements definition, modular and structural design, data specifications, functional specifications, verification, documentation, software maintenance, and the utilization of software support tools. Additionally, the course covers software project organization, quality assurance, and the development of management and communication skills.

Credit Hours

This class offers an introduction to the principles of logic design and fundamental tools for crafting digital logic systems. It begins by exploring topics such as Boolean algebra, techniques for minimizing Boolean functions, digital logic gates, combinational logic circuits, as well as decoders, encoders, and multiplexers. Following that, the curriculum delves into sequential circuits, encompassing both asynchronous and synchronous counters, registers, and flipflops. Additionally, students will be introduced to memory elements, programmable logic devices (PROM, PAL, PLA, FPGA), and Finite-state machine design.

Credit Hours

This class covers the fundamental principles and practical methods needed to create resilient networks. Key subjects encompass networking fundamentals, Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), domain naming and addressing (Domain Name System), techniques for encoding and decoding data, protocols at the link layer, routing protocols, services at the transport layer, congestion control, quality of service, network services, Software Defined Networks (SDNs), programmable routers, overlay networks, wireless and mobile networking, computer network security, multimedia networking, and network management.

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