IDegree Program

IDegree Program

Better Career,
Better Life

Affordable Excellence

Outstanding Faculty

50+ Worldwide Partnerships

Clubs & Organizations

Coding with Joo Won:

  • This club introduces coding for website development. The participants will construct the basic structure of a web app in HTML and decorate the web app with CSS using Visual Studio Code, an open source software. It’ll be so much fun getting to know coding!
  • This club meets in the coding-with-joowon text channel in our Discord. We also meet every Friday night from 20:00-20:30 (KST) in the Workshops room in Gather Town.

Creative Writing Club:

  • Respond to each week’s new writing prompt: (a) Write as much as you can in 10 minutes. (b) You can't use the "delete" key. Keep going forward! (c) Stop thinking and write! (d) When the 10 minutes is up, quickly edit, then post it!
  • This club meets in the creative-writing-club text channel in our Discord. You can also join us every Thursday from 9:30-10:00 (KST) to discuss our writing at the Cafe in our Gather Town.

Storytelling through Photos

  • In this student-led storytelling club, members are able to share one image a week that tells a story to the viewer. Club members can provide feedback on what sort of feeling we get from the image as well as suggestions on how to make particular shots stronger.
  • This club is asynchronous and meets in the story-telling-through-photos text channel in our Discord.

Gaming Club

  • In the Gaming Club, members get together and play casual, online, multi-player games.
  • We meet every Wednesday from 9:30-10:00 (KST) in the gaming-club text channel in our Discord.

Korean Language Club

  • Want to practice Korean? Then join us for our Korean Language Club. You’ll have the chance to use Korean by answering the prompt of the week.
  • This club is asynchronous and meets in the Korean-language-club text channel in our Discord.

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