IDegree Program

IDegree Program

Better Career,
Better Life

Affordable Excellence

Outstanding Faculty

50+ Worldwide Partnerships

Learner codes of conduct

General Code of Conduct

IDegree Program has a comprehensive General Code of Conduct to uphold the excellence of the learning environment and the collaborative standards integral to IDegree Program ‘s educational objectives. It is expected that students adhere to the General Code of Conduct consistently, including complying with the directives of IDegree Program officials acting within the purview of their employment responsibilities. Every member of the university community is expected to demonstrate socially responsible conduct across all facets of academic life.

IDegree Program places a high value on the freedom of expression and actively promotes a diversity of perspectives within an environment where every individual is treated with courtesy and regard. All members of IDegree Program community are obligated to exhibit respect towards their fellow students, instructional personnel, staff, volunteers, and administrators at all times. Acts such as harassment, threatening behavior, or intentional embarrassment of others will not be tolerated and will be considered violations of the General Code of Conduct. Such actions may lead to disciplinary measures, which may include dismissal from a course or from IDegree Program. Additionally, the solicitation of financial assistance or involvement in business enterprises with fellow students is explicitly prohibited.

Academic Integrity Code

IDegree Program believes that a culture of honesty and integrity is essential to a thriving university community. As such, each individual within IDegree Program is accountable for adhering to established norms of academic integrity and is expected to demonstrate a shared commitment to upholding these values in all academic endeavors.

IDegree Program expects its students to strive for their own personal success, while guaranteeing that all submitted assignments, exams, or other coursework reflect the individual student's original work and adhere to accepted academic practices. While collaboration is encouraged, it is imperative for students to submit their own individual work, unless specifically directed to submit a group assignment as required in a specific course.

Students in IDegree Program will document sources through scholarly references and citations in a manner that follows standardized conventions. Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the correct methods of citation and referencing sources.

Plagiarism will not be tolerated, and each assignment submitted in IDegree Program must be distinctly unique. Students bear the responsibility of ensuring the novelty of each submission, even if information included in these assignments has been drawn from their own previous work. Third-party software and other tools may be used by IDegree Program to ensure that student-submitted work is authentic, unique and free of plagiarism. Students who have questions about or need help using these tools should contact their instructor and/or academic advisor for assistance.

Students may not publicly share their work completed at or for IDegree Program until two calendar years after the conclusion of their final term of study. Additionally, students are prohibited from publicly sharing the works or course materials of fellow students. Adherence to these standards is the responsibility of the students. Failure to comply may result in Instructors assigning a zero to the assignment and/or deducting points as they deem appropriate.

All student work and academic contributions must be devoid of fraud and deception, as outlined below:

  • Plagiarism
    • the inadvertent or deliberate presentation of another person's words or ideas as one's own in any academic undertaking. This includes fabrication, such as falsifying documents, altering or inventing data, referencing sources not consulted, and misrepresenting citations.
  • Unauthorized Assistance
    • engaging someone other than the student to complete an academic exercise or exam, using or receiving copies of work from student from a previous course, or collaborating without proper acknowledgment. Students must transparently acknowledge any collaborative efforts in all submitted coursework.
  • Misrepresentation
    • providing false information or misrepresenting personal circumstances to a University member with the intent to obtain special treatment, permissions, quiz or exam retakes, or extensions.
  • Collusion
    • aiding another student in committing an act of academic dishonesty as outlined above, including sharing information about or copies of one's own work from a previously-taken IDegree Program course.

All members of the academic community, including instructional personnel, students, and University administrators, are expected to contribute to maintaining the highest level of integrity and to report all incidents violating academic honesty. Students who suspect cheating should discreetly report the violation to their instructor. If academic misconduct is suspected in a peer-assessed product, students should contact their instructor and should not assign a grade as part of the peer assessment process.

Disciplinary Procedures

Instances of violation are officially reported by the Office of Academic Affairs to the Office of Student Services. Breaches of the Code of Academic Integrity and the General Code of Conduct serve as grounds for disciplinary action and are permanently documented in the student's academic record. Violations accumulate over a student's tenure at IDegree Program, irrespective of the course in which the infractions occur. Unless otherwise determined by the Office of Academic Affairs, all General Code of Conduct violations are considered severe.

Academic Integrity Code Violations

IDegree Program sanctions for violations typically follow this structure (for violations of the Academic Integrity Code):

  • First violation: The course instructor issues a warning to the student, the Office of Academic Affairs assigns a zero for the assignment, and a permanent note is added to the student's record.
  • Second violation: The student receives a zero for the assignment or exam in question and may also face a failing grade in the course, as determined by the Office of Academic Affairs.
  • Third violation: The student receives a failing grade in the course.

Severe Violations

(General Code of Conduct violations and additional Academic Integrity Code Violations)

Academic Integrity Code violations beyond the third, as well as violations of the Code of Conduct, are regarded as severe violations. However, sanctions may vary based on prior disciplinary records, and IDegree Program retains absolute discretion to determine the appropriate sanction for any infraction, considering the severity of the violation. Sanctions may also be cumulative, with no necessity for one to be exhausted before another is imposed.

In cases where a student has more than three violations of the Code of Academic integrity, any violation of the Code of Conduct, or when a violation is deemed severe at the discretion of the Office of Academic Affairs, the following consequences for severe violations apply:

  • The Office of Academic Affairs may choose to suspend the student's access to IDegree Program services, such as the Learning Management System (LMS), even if such suspension affects the student's ability to complete their courses.
  • IDegree Program official will also contact the student to
    • inform them of the alleged violation.
    • outline the investigation and disciplinary process, including potential sanctions.

Once contacted and informed of the process, the student then has seven calendar days to submit a written response to the Office of Student Services.

Upon submission of a response, the case is forwarded to the student's academic department. Upon reviewing the student's written reply, the academic department determines whether the student has violated the General Code of Conduct or Code of Academic Integrity. If a violation is established, the department then decides the appropriate disciplinary measures, which may include a warning, immediate course removal for the term, suspension, or permanent dismissal from IDegree Program. The Office of Student Services communicates the investigation details and determinations to the student.

Students who fail to respond within the seven-day period waive their right to have a decision made by the Student Affairs Committee and may face a failing grade in the course. Depending on the severity of the violation, as recommended by the Office of Academic Affairs, they could also be at risk of dismissal from the University.

It's important to note that students have the right to appeal decisions to the Student Affairs Committee. However, the committee's scope is limited to assessing whether the original decision-making process adhered to IDegree Program policies and procedures, not the actual outcome of the decision. Any appeals must be submitted to the student's program advisor within 15 days of receiving the decision.

If instances of academic misconduct come to light after credits have been issued or a degree is awarded, IDegree Program reserves the right to revoke credits or a degree based on new revelations about academic issues, including but not limited to admission credentials, coursework, research, theses, or other final projects. In these cases, the Office of Academic Affairs has the authority to assign a grade of Fail (F) instead of a Withdrawal (W) for the affected course.

Disciplinary Procedures Summary
Academic Integrity Code Violations
Code of Conduct and
Addition Academic Integrity Violations

First :Zero on assignment.
Note in record.

Students will

  • Lose access to IDegree Program systems.
  • Receive notification of disciplinary action
  • Respond within seven days of notification.
  • Have case reviewed.
  • Receive any assigned consequences (Office of Academic Affairs)
Second :Zero on assignment.
may fail course.
Third :Failing grade in course.

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