IDegree Program

IDegree Program

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Academic Regulations

Course Drop

Course Drop Application Procedure

Course Drop Application Period

How to Apply:

Application Procedure: student online application → confirmation by professor-in-charge of class → approval by department chair → approval by Office of Academic Affairs → process completion. Refer to the instructions below.

Please take careful note of the following important information:

  • Course drop must be completed within the above period only. Students may drop a course with no grade penalty.
  • It is not possible to apply for a replacement course and there will be no tuition refund. Students must pay any outstanding balance shown in their invoice.
  • The minimum number of credits for the current semester must remain at least 9 credits (except for graduating students who must maintain the number required for graduation).
  • To be eligible for scholarships, students must keep 15 or more credits for the current semester. Scholarship recipients are encouraged to speak with the International Administrative Center or their academic advisor before dropping a class, as this could affect current and/or future scholarship eligibility.
  • Students must keep attending classes until the request/s are officially approved by the Office of Academic Affairs. Otherwise, they may receive an “F” grade or absences for the course/s if the course drop is not approved.

Scholarships and graduation may be affected due to course drop (withdrawal), so please apply carefully so as not to be disadvantaged.

If you have any questions, contact the International Administrative Center (W19 218).

Course Re-take

  • Students who fail a course can retake it and receive credit.
  • Continuing on from the previous clause, if the failed course is not available to retake, then the student can substitute that course with another one with the approval from his or her department and the president of Woosong University.
  • Once the substituted course has been determined, the Office of Academic Affairs must be notified, and a formal request must be made.
  • Students can also retake courses for which they received lower than a C+ to improve their grade point average.
  • Students can retake courses up to 9 credits.

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